Hello there fellow reader. If you've reached this page of the site that means your curiosity got the best of you. You want to know more about me? Sure., why the hell not.
As most of you should know my name is Amy. Amy Lynn or Amy Lynn Charpentier if you want to be formal. I am a 30 year old writer who has been blogging for the past 7-9 years. It started off with poetry and quiet thoughts and ended up in me over spilling my traumas and blogging my mental health journey. During this new year I decided on starting fresh and leaving all those phases and years in the past to focus on a healing practice much different than before.
I am an animal lover and occasional foster. I'm certified in basic nutrition and crisis counseling. One of those texters on crisis text line. Yes, that's me. Well, one of them anyway. I enjoy writing and photography and occasionally a little yoga and meditation. Food, I love food, espresso, coffee, matcha and the whole shabang. But most of all, I love helping others. Does it wear me out? Sure, but it's what I do, it's what I'm good at and it's why I got my certification in the first place.
Because of that, I decided to start a safe place where we all can come when we need a little extra advice, encouragement or just a read. So sit back, relax and let's do this together.